his upcoming expedition to the North Pole, where
he hopes to learn whether or not the Earth is
hollow. According to Agnew, current scientific
data does not support the plate tectonic model,
which theorizes the Earth's crust floats atop a
pool of magma around a solid core. Agnew said
the 100-man, 13-day expedition will be utilizing
a 450-ft long, 23,000-ton nuclear-powered Russian icebreaker ship, as well as specialized instruments
to measure a 'depression' in the ocean and changes
in the properties of sea water that could point to the
opening of the inner Earth. He suggested the opening
may be as large as 80 to 500 miles across, but could
be 'masked' by the inhabitants who live there. Agnew
said there are reports of at least 8 major races and
200 minor races living in the interior of the Earth.
Symmes believed that after passing through an icy circle, as one neared the Pole, there existed an Open Polar Sea—a fairly common notion at the time—and that conditions actually became warmer the closer one approached the great openings he knew were there. In support of these ideas he ransacked all existing accounts of northern voyages and for proof, and found reports of animals apparently migrating northward—as depicted here as an illustration for an 1882 article in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine.
There is a game in there somewhere!
I would say so if Edgar Rice Burroughs is to be believed...)
A fascinating field of study and worthy of our endeavours, I should say. Certainly aa likely place for a good Dino-Hunt anyway!
I found some more Hollow Earth Theorem here: http://pauljamesog.blogspot.com/2007/05/hollow-earth-theory.html
Tas said...
A fascinating field of study and worthy of our endeavours, I should say. Certainly aa likely place for a good Dino-Hunt anyway!
I think it could work....)
Tas I like your write up as well, can defiantly use this!
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