The Martians have invaded, time to return the favor!

The Martians have invaded, time to return the favor!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Wooden Warriors

Although the vast majority of this chaps
work falls well outside our period, he is
inspiring none the less!



My Name is Charlie Wooden Warriors
originated from the need of armour and
Equipment for my WW2 toy soldier Army.
I had 54mm soldiers and marx tanks the
scale was way off. My brother and I started
building our own armour from wood and that
started a chain reaction Buildings, Bunkers,
trucks, Ships, Docks, Towers, ETC. I started
setting up my army using mother nature as
a backdrop for my Dioramas and photographed
them. I go on camping trips in the mountains
and take my soldiers to play with . This is a
way to share these fun photos with you. Join
in the fun .


Bill said...

Seen this one before, rather like it...)

Don M said...

It is a great little blog.

Joe said...

Kind of cool really...)