8. Pescivendolo "Fishmonger"
14. Zumarrie Village
15. El Shakoosh Kabir
16. Zumarrie Royal Village
17. Old Fortified Town
18. Slaver Camp
19. Donaldson Hunting party
wiped out with very few traces.
20. City Of The Watchers
Encounters (Red) : 4
Slaver force one sets
out from base an attacks
a Zumarrie hamlet.
Slaver force two (large)
sets out from base an
attacks a Zumarrie hamlet
then splits (Red 6) and
raids a larger village.
Encounters (Red) : 7
Slaver force two takes
prisoners and retreats
Encounters (Red) : 8
Slaver force one takes
prisoners and retreats
Encounters (Red) : 9 & 10
Zumarrie forces head north
in pursuit but, arrive too
late to stop the attackers.
Encounters (blue) : 3
Sir Paul's camp(?)
US Naval Intelligence Analysis:
It has long been known that the British have
wanted a presence on these strategically
important islands. They are rumored to be
quite rich in minerals and other recourses.
Although the French and Italians have
occupied the south eastern portion of the
main island they have not moved north or
to the west at all, nor have they made any
movement to the smaller islands to the north
or west. The British see this as an opportunity,
and may use the routing of pirates and slavers
in the area as a pretext for occupation.
It has also been reported that a large English
naval flotilla has set sail from Singapore over
a week ago. heading unknown.
US Naval Intelligence Operative (Pescivendolo)
Noted British adventurer and big game hunter
Sir Paul, Grand Duke Tas of Menzies on the Minges
(also rumored to be a member of Her Majesty's
(also rumored to be a member of Her Majesty's
Secret Service) Set out for a big game hunt on
the western side of the main Island. He was to
cross into hostile Zumarrie territory. Although
the party is all in civilian attire by its actions
and orderliness it appeared to be military in
and orderliness it appeared to be military in
composition. It was well armed and was
equipped with a heliograph team, quite odd
equipment for a game hunt.....
Bill, I know it could
never be just a Hunt
with you. I was wondering
what form the skulduggery
would take on this
Well you know what Bill
says every game, "If you
can't sow a bit of discord.
then your clearly not trying
hard enough." :-)
It is believed that Sir Paul's party was diverted eroute and ended up and the small but strategically important British outpost of Momotoland. This diversion has cost them weeks in time but indications are that the party will be departing the strategically important telegraph station shortly to continue with the expedition
(I got recalled to work early, so the hunt was postponed. Plans are afoot to run it in 2 weeks time though during a long weekend!)
Tas said...
(I got recalled to work early, so the hunt was postponed. Plans are afoot to run it in 2 weeks time though during a long weekend!)
Quite alright old boy, these things happen....I'll just twist the plot a WEE bit to compensate....)
Oh do watch the next post....)
You Bill, twist a plot? LOL!
Don M said...
You Bill, twist a plot? LOL!
Never! LOL!
Don M said...
You Bill, twist a plot? LOL!
la Coloniale said...
Never! LOL!
Just a Wee bit...hehehe
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