The Martians have invaded, time to return the favor!

The Martians have invaded, time to return the favor!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Yellow cloud north of Ypres

Just got round to reading the After Action Reports section , and I particularly like this one!
This fictional scenario was based around several key events that occurred during the Second Battle of Ypres in 1915. The scenario was set shortly after the first German attacks, with allied forces having been sent reeling backwards after the first horrific German gas attacks. A BEF division has been sent forward in an attempt to re-establish the line. (Why BEF? Because that is the only allied division that I have painted so far). The advanced Brigade of the division has been able to scratch out some light entrenchments across their part of the front, and the Germans have done little more, as the scale of their success has not been apparent to their Generals. As dawn approaches, the command comes down to the British Brigade commander to pull back from their entrenchments, as further gas attacks are expected on the front line. Mutterings like "Bloody 'ell Jack, we just finished diggin' these bloody 'oles, an' now they wants us to up an' leave 'em" were heard at frequent intervals as the Tommys pulled back. In the meantime, the other two brigades of the division were marching forward to join their comrades in the coming day's fight. The German commanders were Keith McNelly and Stan Walker, while the British division was commanded by Mike Toohey and Robin Sutton.

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