British planed slavery suppression raid wins
the grudging support from both France and
Italy. The French and Italian governments
have sent word to their respective colonial
governors to render what ever support is
required to take the slaver stronghold of
El Shakoosh Kabir and the other fortresses
further to the north. The aim is to brake the
slaver's power once and for all.
1) British 2nd Fleet move in and bombard El Tarja
2) Land troops then move on to Fort El Azeel
3) Fort El Azeel attacked by land and air.
4) Attack on Fort Nasir by British and Zumarrie forces.
5) Flotilla from 2nd fleet secure islands to north, await 6th fleet.
6) British 6th Fleet moves in at flank speed
7) Right wing British 6th Fleet.
8) Left wing British 6th Fleet.
9) Sir Paul joins Zumarrie forces.
10) British 7th Aeronef Squadron attacks El Tarja (protects right flank of advance)
11) British 3rd Aeronef Squadron attacks Fort El Azeel (protects left flank of advance)
If I didn't know better (LOL and I do) I'd say John Bull is going to steal the march on his French and Italian friends....)Nothing quite
like having position is there? ;-)
Bill said...
If I didn't know better (LOL and I do) I'd say John Bull is going to steal the march on his French and Italian friends....)Nothing quite
like having position is there? ;-)
Her Majesties government intends no duplicity in it's dealing with any other government.
However the urgency in dealing with the outrageous activities of these slavers require
swift and decisive action. If the French and Italian forces are not ready to act in time
our forces will press on. We will of course welcome any and all assistance from any
friendly government to stomp out the scourge of the slave trade.
Hello all,
As a former member of the Brantley Ave Militia, and someone who has dealt with such ilk as these slavers. I wonder if anyone has thought to buy them off. You end up being able to ifluence them, thus emsuring your interests are being looked after, and if there is any fighting to do, you don't lose any troops.
DragonRed2 said...
I wonder if anyone has thought to buy them off. You end up being able to influence them, thus ensuring your interests are being looked after, and if there is any fighting to do, you don't lose any troops.
We did buy some of them, for the moment..)
Don M said...
Her Majesties government intends no duplicity in it's dealing with any other government.
However the urgency in dealing with the outrageous activities of these slavers require
swift and decisive action. If the French and Italian forces are not ready to act in time
our forces will press on. We will of course welcome any and all assistance from any
friendly government to stomp out the scourge of the slave trade.
And if the crown gains a bit of land....a nice side effect...)
Joe said...
And if the crown gains a bit of land....a nice side effect...)
Empires are built with the
noblest of intent you know ;-)
Bill said...
Empires are built with the
noblest of intent you know ;-)
Isn't it cool though ;-)
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