The Martians have invaded, time to return the favor!

The Martians have invaded, time to return the favor!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Mech Army

Hmm... Not so much a mechanised army as an overly hostile
caravan park.

Apparently the next war will be fought by armored divisions
that bear a suspicious resemblance to bread tins and Swedish
hand massagers with the odd casserole pan thrown in for good
measure. This is the sort of thing that happens when designers
are faced with unrealistic deadlines and start grabbing ideas
from the first thing they spot on the shelf.


Bill said...

Now there are some unwieldy designs!

Joe said...

Got some VSF potential though.

Don M said...

Some VSF fodder here for certain!

La Coloniale said...

some look like medieval siege towers on tracks...others, the 3 ten cross town bus...)