No one is ever likely to know just what considerations
influenced the Kelly Gang in the months preceding the
battle of Glenrowan. If the shroud that surrounded so
much of their lives was dark, then the reticence that
enveloped relatives and friends following the climax of
their story was darker still.
What seems likely is that someone - probably Ned himself
- dreamed up a checkmate to the banks’ new ring of security,
and that once the idea was floated its very boldness gave
purpose to everyone. The evidence is that mouldboards
were stolen a few months after Jerilderie, and that the task
of fashioning them into usable shape and quilting them kept
the gang and their supporters busy throughout the entire
1879-80 summer. Ned and Joe meanwhile were casting
around for a strategic objective and tactical plans. The
betrayal of Maggie and withdrawal of the Glenrowan watch
party may well have supplied the occasion sought. Sherritt
would be executed, and his execution used to draw the special
force from Benalla, so leaving its two banks unprotected. The
town would then be isolated by cutting the rail links north and
1 comment:
Think I saw part of the movie, interesting...)
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