The Martians have invaded, time to return the favor!

The Martians have invaded, time to return the favor!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gatling Gun

In 1861, Doctor Richard Gatling patented the Gatling Gun,
a six-barreled weapon capable of firing a (then) phenomenal
200 rounds per minute. The Gatling gun was a hand-driven,
crank-operated, multi-barrel, machine gun. The first machine
gun with reliable loading, the Gatling gun had the ability to
fire sustained multiple bursts.

Monday, October 26, 2009

British Empire Web Page

A site dedicated to the history of the British Empire

(with emphasis on herArmed Forces)

15mm Victorian Colonial Figure Ranges

A comprehensive listing of 15mm figure ranges for

the discriminating colonialist

Unidades de Infanteria

History; Music; Uniforms of the Spainsh Infantry.


Here is a link to THE SHANGHAI INCIDENT presented by Mal
and Rick Devonshire as a public display battle. The scenery is
deliberately crowded because ofcourse that was one of the main
features of the real battle. The streets and alley's are actually wide
enough to fit a Flames of War base, but not much else!I'm happy to
discuss making the scenery for those who have an interest in doing
some of their own. Its not as hard as it may look and the materials
are inexpensive.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Death In The Dark Continent

Death in the Dark Continent however is a departure from his previous sets. The first two things that stood out were multiple figure bases, and the use of D20's for shooting (which allows for greater subtlety and a smaller body count.The bases are 60mm wide, and since I had been using HoTT for colonial games, my figures were all ready to go. The rules suggest 30mm base depth for infantry, but I prefer 40mm, which gives skirmish lines a better look as well as protecting those bayonets.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


WE crossed a very rugged, very high range of mountains and descended throughrolling , forested hills to a vast grassy plain that stretched to the horizon.the grass was taller than a man most of the time, which limited visibility andincreased the danger of encountering something large, hungry, and on the huntas we hacked our way through it at a snail's pace. it also made setting up campa supreme bother for our askaris, servants, and porters as the grass had to becut down in order to make a clearing for the camp site, before camp could be setup!
CARRUTHERS and i were sitting on our bums in a small, freshly cleared area,refreshing ourselves from our dwindling stock of gin, and cleaning our rifles(our gun bearers were busy setting up camp at the time). as usual, CARRUTHERS was going on _endlessly_about the life and times of CARRUTHERS in the bellowingvoice of his as he worked, while i was doing my best to not to hear the samestories for the umpteenth time.I had just re-assembled my RIGBY express rifle; as I wiped a light coating ofall over the barrels, CARRUTHERS was holding the barrels of his own expressrifle at arms length, squinting down same at the lands and grooves, looking for rust, corrosion dirt, etc. suddenly his monocle popped out of his eye, andhis mouth dropped open in consternation. he tried to say something, butappeared to be at a loss for words (a very uncommon state of affairs!)."wots up, ole boy?" I asked pleasantly, as a shadow got between me and the sun.I naturally assumed it was GREYSTOKE returning from his hunt for our dinnermeat.I was answered by the mother of all hissing and felt a blast of foul air that reeked of a carrion pit blowing into my shoulders and the back of my head.startle, I twisted around, and found myself gawping into the maw of this (seeenlarged photo of the skull cracker bird at the lower right corner of the page):
needless to say, i did the only thing a gentleman hunter could possibly do insuch circumstances. I leaped to my feet with a terrified squawk, then blazed atrail through the tall grass, rendering it slippery behind me, in an attempt toput as much distance between me and the beast as I could in an extremely shorttime!bless him, CARRUTHERS instinctively reacted to our dire tactical situation likethe old campaigner that he was, and lit at a gallop in the opposite directionfrom mine.apparently our choice of tactics worked, as the giant bird just stood therelooking amazed as it twisted its head first in my direction and then in CARRUTHERS direction. This allowed the astounded GREYSTOKE, who was returningempty handed from the hunt an opportunity to bag the beast with his .500 NITROEXPRESS, both barrels.all is well that ends well, I always say!after the askaris of GREYSTOKE's hunting party tracked CARRUTHERS and myselfdown (some distance from the campsite!), they escorted us safely back to camp,our entire expedition feasted upon the giant predatory bird that GREYSTOKE hadshot.

Monday, October 12, 2009


SO, there we were, camped on this beach, getting a bit of rest after a hard pushoverland through plains, hills, and jungles inhabited by an incredible numberof plant eating dinos, who were in turn hunted by terrible carnosaurs. CARRUTHERS, an avid fisherman, was standing in the surf up to his hips, castinghis line out into deeper water with a piece of fresh cut lizard for bait. well he got a bite, some sort of armored fish, that leaped into the air withthe hooks firmly set!!!!and then this, erupted from the water and snatched the armored fish out ofmid-air, and the rod right out of CARRUTHERS' hands!
CARRUTHERS set a speed record for a man running through hip deep surf, and ankle deep sand, not stopping to look back until he had climbed to the top of a treeon the edge of the jungle. from there CARRUTHERS leather lungs turned the airaround our camp bright blue as he gave vent to his thoughts about fish stealing marine life of this lost world!he eventually climbed down from his perch, and made a bee line for faithful M'NUMBA who was standing by with camp chair, tray, glass, and bottle of gin tosoothe
CARRUTHERS nerves. a bottle of our precious gin later,
CARRUTHERS was fast asleep in the camp chair, snoring through his huge nose much like asleeping brontosaur with sinus trouble . . . .DAWGIE, who spent the better part of the afternoon searching the sandy beach for CARRUTHERS' monocle . . .