After the successful conclusion of the Kassala campaign in July of 1894, General Baratieri, Governor of Eritrea, was able to turn his attention once again to the Abyssinian question. It was nearly a year and a half since Emperor Menelik had repudiated the Treaty of Uccialli. During that period the Italian cause had advanced little, but that of the Negus had been steadily progressing. Menelik was welding together a united and powerful nation. Ras Mangasha of Tigre had been an ally of Italy but, in June 1894, he tired of the profitless alliance and traveled to Addis Ababa, tendering his submission to the Negus. Menelik reproved him for allying with Italy, and offered him the crown of Tigre, if he could reconquer the ceded provinces.
What a wonderful feathery hat! Backed up with a good drinks cabinet, a man could conquer a continent with that :-D
Yours in a White Wine Sauce,
It is rather smashing isn't it?
I put this up because Don
who is an exceedingly brave
fellow is building an Italian
colonial army....)
With the Italians having no
colony on Mars and therefore
only a limited access to lift
wood through and from their
French allies. I'm building
the Italian forces with an
early reliance on the internal
combustion engine and conventional
aircraft based on their take of
the Wright flyer....)
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